How to Get Blacklisted from Deer Camp


By Adam Moore – MeatEater

Getting invited to deer camp, especially a good one, should be savored like an expensive bottle of bourbon. For DIYers who do their best to door knock or hunt the closest public lands, these invites can offer good, low-stakes hunting opportunities. At the very least, they can offer a break from the usual grind and a chance to feel the freezer.

Deer camps typically have preset stands or manicured food plots, so there’s not a ton of guesswork involved. You have zero skin in the game, so you’re just as happy to not see anything as you are to kill the camp’s next record buck (though you probably shouldn’t). And if the company turns out to be better than the hunting, you should probably inquire about potential openings.

While it might take months, even years, to receive an invite to your buddy’s deer camp, losing such an opportunity can happen in a matter of seconds. Most deer camps or clubs worth their salt have clearly defined rules, traditions, and established etiquette. Break these and you might as well spit in the face of the members and kiss any hope of a return trip goodbye. Even if no one lays out the rules for you, it’s your job to ask what is and is not allowed. Some of the points I’ve listed should seem obvious. Then again, I regularly hear horror stories from relatives or friends who have witnessed these kinds of blunders. Just be sure you don’t make one of these mistakes the next time you get invited to deer camp. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL ARTICLE

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